I Heart Cinnamon - Ingles Markets

As an Ingles Markets Deli/Bakery Admin Assistant, I have designed a sticker for Cinnamon Rolls that have been in bakeries since April 2024.
The design is a 2 color that will be printed on white stickers and was created using Adobe Illustrator.
Sushi Labels - Ingles Markets

I have also designed a new layout for the Sushi Labels.
Estimated to be in Ingles Delis in Late Summer - Early Fall 2024.
The design is a 3 color that was designed using the Chopsticks Asian Express Logo and Microsoft Publisher.
Freddie Mercury Triangles

Finished sticker of Freddie Mercury

First draft

Original Photo taken from Google Images
Using Adobe Illustrator, I wanted to create a shape based sticker of Freddie Mercury doing one of his infamous poses.
To create this, I used the original picture as a template and created shapes based on different colors and lighting.
The finished product came out very stylized with different shading and transparencies. By extending the image to go to the edge of the triangle instead of stopping mid-way, the overall sticker looks polished.