The Elvish Adventurer's Journal
This journal was made-to-order for a Christmas present to a spouse. Using Adobe Illustrator to create the template and a translator to make text-to-elvish, I created a cover that used a quote from the Lord of the Rings that the recipient loves.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

Template used for clay and carving

Using bake-to-cure clay, I created the centerpiece by molding it on top of the image. I used wax paper to separate it from the image and later transferred the wax paper to a baking sheet to cure the piece.
After baked and cool to the touch, I painted it with a metallic silver paint and glued it to the center of the cover.
I later used the same template to carve the letters into the cover using a blade and following up with the same metallic silver paint as before.
All together it took me 18 hours of working time, 24 pages of 18"x24" multimedia paper, and 12 signatures to create this 9"x12" journal.
Additional specs are: 1 dot grid hand-stamped page every 10 pages and 2 bookmarks.